New Care Management Web Page

Drumroll, please! We are excited to announce that The Arc of North Carolina has created a new page you can use to better understand tailored Care Management. This new page- -  is designed to help you make an informed decision about whether or not Care Management is appropriate for you and your family member with IDD.

The page features helpful information on why care management is important, finding current care management agencies in your area, and English and Spanish videos featuring  families who are already receiving Care Management.

Tailored Care Management (also known as TCM or just Care Management) began in December of 2022 and is designed for people who receive Medicaid and have an intellectual or developmental disability, severe and persistent mental illness, traumatic brain injury, or substance use disorder.

Care Management will look at your whole life, with a goal of making sure everything is working together to benefit you the most in your life. A care manager can help you get connected to resources for food, housing, transportation, and medical services.

This page can be used by anyone who wants more information,  and it is not intended to promote care management specifically provided by The Arc. That information is housed elsewhere on our website.

To learn more about this valuable service and decide if it’s right for you and your family, visit